Past Performance
Financial Management and System Support Services (Foreign Military Sales)
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, AFSAC
Artisan has successfully provided financial management and system support services to the AFSAC directorate
in the following areas:
Decision support
FMS case reconciliation and closure
reporting in various USAF accounting and logistic systems
engagement with DFAS, DCMA, ALCs, and PEOs
Organic Industrial Base Depot Maintenance Analytical, Technical and Operational Support Advisory and Assistance Services
Air Force Sustainment Center, Logistics Directorate
Artisan has effectively supplied AFSC/LG support in the following areas:
Program planning and analysis
Facilities maintenance and repair
Program cost and schedule analysis
Space optimization and modernization
Develop policy change and recommendations to improve operations
Organic Industrial Base Depot Maintenance Analytical, Technical and Operational Support Advisory and Assistance Services
Medical Logistics and Epidemiological Laboratory Support Services
United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, 711th Human Performance Wing
Artisan has provided support to the 711th HPW in the following areas:
Requisition and maintenance of medical supplies and materials
Supply chain management and improvement
Prepare, track, and report contract documents and actions
Receive and process specimens
Use and maintain laboratory tasks using proper techniques, ensuring specimen integrity and identification
Subject matter expertise using DMLSS